The meeting was helpful only insofar as the tenor of the
debate and some of the issues touched upon by an articulate audience showed us
not only what is wrong with the Church in Wales, but what needs to happen to
change it for the better. Changing the Church in Wales for the better, which must
surely be the underlying purpose of ministry areas, is a matter of something happening
to its people, rather than devising strategies which it is hoped will keep the
organisation going.
Good strategy and planning exist to promote the life and
happiness of an organisation, thereby making its work effective. But it is the
Church’s life in God, and its happiness in being God’s people, which make it attractive
in the way Jesus was attractive. The Church will not be effective if it does
not first attract people to Jesus. Jesus was attractive because he gave people
something which no organisation could take away from them, the knowledge that
they mattered to God and permission to be happy in that knowledge. So life,
which is knowing that we matter to God, and happiness, preclude strategy. In
terms of the life of the Church in Wales, life and happiness issue forth in
what Jesus describes as the bearing of fruit.
This deanery meeting was life suppressing. It also, in
the way it was devised and driven, suppressed happiness. It was a dictatorial and
thinly veiled underpinning of the same old order presented in the form of
something new. But people are not so easily fooled. The new system, as one
person commented from the floor, would in fact ensure the continuing
subsidisation of middle management and top ranking clergy, even though much lip
service was paid to those training for lay ministry. There was little
acknowledgment of the faithfulness of unpaid priests whose services, I couldn’t
help feeling, are deemed by some to be less desirable than those of a
stipendiary. Some people felt that too much was spent on buildings and that
part of these expenses should be borne by other bodies. Many of these concerns
were glossed over in a patronising way which only made for more anger.
People felt both bullied and undervalued. There was much talk
of being the body of Christ, but a singular lack of love and trust between
those in the audience and those driving the proceedings. The tenor of the
debate revealed how little we honour one another as Christians and as members
of a single family. It also revealed how little we value those who faithfully
support their church Sunday by Sunday. This
is especially true with regard to older people who are possibly the Church’s
most important potential mission workers. Their life experience, wisdom,
professional acumen and natural intelligence is seldom used to attract younger
people. The church is full of under used ‘godparents’, ‘grandparents’ and life
mentors. Younger people, and people of all ages, need to know where they can
find wisdom and non-judgmental compassion when they need it. They should be
looking to the Church and especially to its older members.
What then, is the hope for the Church in Wales of the
future? Tinkering with the existing structure is not the answer. This is not to
deny the need for structure itself. Structures are necessary as movements grow
in size and influence, so structures need to be both strong and malleable,
allowing for movement, change and growth. They are the context in which gift
and talent are nurtured so that the organisation, or the Church, can bear fruit.
In the case of the Church in Wales, the structure needs
to be leaner in a number of respects. There needs to be less in the way of petty
legalism, individual professional advancement and cronyism. There needs to be a
complete and unequivocal end to discrimination against women. In this and other
contexts there also needs to be a genuine change of heart when it comes to empowering
those who call for reconciliation, or who speak the truth about the Church’s life
and who, in doing so, threaten the privileged power holding enclave. There
needs to be more in the way of repentance for the waste of gift and talent sent
to the Church by God in all those he calls to minister to his people. The
Church needs to start looking around for imaginative, creative, risky people.
All of this suggests that the Church in Wales needs to
re-think its priorities when it comes to how it roots its life in God, because its
life in God is the only life which brings happiness and which will enable it to
bear fruit. It is this life which also attracts those who tentatively come
through its doors seeking to know Jesus Christ. Closing buildings which we
cannot afford to maintain may or may not be part of this re-thinking process. We
are neurotic about buildings, but whatever we feel about them, perhaps we all
need to remember that it is not the buildings which put people off the Church. It
is the remoteness of a clerical and increasingly management-driven ruling class
who are stifling the joy promised to it in its Lord.
Despite all this, the love of God wins out in the end. When
the visitor comes to one of our village churches he or she will find a small
congregation of mostly older people, a genuinely loving and probably unpaid priest,
all conveying in the warmth of their smiles how much the visitor matters to God
and to them. It is in such moments that the Church becomes something greater
than an organisation.
Hi Lorraine,
Have just read your two blogs about ministry areas in the Church in Wales. I sympathise with your comments - there does seem to be a real split in the church, especially among those in leadership, between the practical organisational tasks and the pastoral spiritual ones. I fear your comments on the church not being an organisation do not help because you are speaking up for the spiritual/pastoral side. I think the challenge is to find a way to bring both the organisational together with the pastoral
Yes, you are right about the need to bring the two together. My feeling is that this will only begin to happen when we relate from our shared humanity. We talk alot about love, being family or community without really understanding what that involves. Status and power are a problem in the organisational Church, as they are in secular organisations. But in order to re-set our relationships we need to also re-learn how to pray in and for one another through deepening into God and experiencing His love in our hearts and in our common life. Quite alot of dismantling of the trappings that hold the system together may fall away as a result of this, but no matter. We must be brave. Then, I think we will begin to change and have something wonderful to give to a world that is much in need of it.
I tried to leave a comment earlier on but it disappeared into the complexities of google.
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