According to St. John’s account of Christ’s Passion, it
was expedient that one man should
die for the people and that the whole nation
not perish. Whether in the Church or in society, expediency, strategy, power
games in which ‘the people’ are either duped with impossible promises or
blatantly used for political leverage and then discarded, the message is the
same. It is expedient. This, along with whatever slant or ‘spin’ is afforded by
the media and powerful interest groups, seems to be the order of the day when
it comes to election campaigns. It is a far cry from the freedom and democracy
for which two generations fought world wars in the last century and for which
many risk their freedom and their lives today.
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It is also why some of us are unhappy about tactical
voting. Tactical voting goes against the grain of the kind of political freedom which draws
a line between good and evil when it comes to the governance of nations. It
also goes against the grain of the wood of the Cross. How we do, or don’t,
exercise our hard won political freedom is a matter of conscience - it may feel expedient not to vote, but turning our back on the election is not being a responsible
citizen of what is still a free nation.
Part of the reason for our unease about tactical voting
lies in the fact that this country does not yet have a truly representative
electoral system. It is also, paradoxically, why some people justify the
practice in the first place. Although untidy and possibly less efficient,
because the government it would deliver might be more difficult to administer, proportional
representation would at least make the voter feel more connected to the
political process and perhaps better motivated to engage with it. But that is
not the only reason why some of us draw back from strategically ‘working’ the
existing system, which is what tactical voting entails.
When it comes to tactical voting, you are working from a
negative position. Tactical voting is like driving in reverse when you have
missed a turning, and then finding yourself mired down off the edge of the road,
unable to move in any direction. You back up to something like the worst
compromise and so can end up voting for a party whose policies and values you
hate, leaving you feeling more disenfranchised, or unrepresented, than you
would have been had you voted with your conscience in the first place.
But you tell yourself that it is expedient to vote
tactically, in order to be sure you keep the party you really don’t want out of the picture. This is not to say that you
are wrong to want to keep them out, but that in ‘working’ the electoral system you
deprive yourself and the best political parties of a voice. Tactical voting is
negative thinking and negative thinking is not about vision. If tactical voters
were to vote with their conscience, the parties with less political presence
but far more wisdom, and with it far more vision, might just win a few more
seats in government. The nation badly needs wisdom and vision.
This brings us back to the trial of Jesus of Nazareth,
and to why I am voting Liberal Democrat, even though on paper the Lib Dems may not win
a seat in our constituency and Ukip could, in theory, gain a little ground,
chiefly from erstwhile Tory voters. I am not voting tactically because to do so
would be to vote against my political conscience. I do not think that political
conscience is shaped solely by the policies of any one party, although
conscience will, if it is alive and healthy, afford a reliable guide as to the
moral validity of specific party policies. Political conscience is also shaped
by a desire not to betray those who in previous generations sacrificed so much
for the democratic freedom we now have, even if that freedom is severely
compromised by the system itself, as well as by those who ‘work’ it still
further, to their own ends, once they are handed power through the ballot box.
It was expedient that Jesus should die for the people because,
in having him executed, the state and the religious authorities were able to
avert a direct confrontation in which all would be losers. It was a tactical manoeuvre
and, of course, an act of betrayal. We all participate in this act from time to
time in our failure to live up to the demands of conscience, to do and say the
truth and to stay focused on righteousness when it comes to the moment of
testing, including the testing of our own integrity in the ballot box.
The main
challenge is fear, fear of our littleness and lack of political grip, given the
quantity and complexity of the data which is constantly being thrown at us, and
fear of the weight of the system itself. But the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is
God’s way of sweeping aside all that makes for fear, all our giving in to doubt
and confusion, to settling for second best when it comes to the enactment of
love in our lives, including the way we exercise our political freedom in the
coming election.
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